About ELANBusinessConnect

ELAN Business Connect is an online platform powered by ELAN, which connects its leasing stakeholders including businesses, buyers and sellers.

Introduction To Terms & Conditions
By using this platform to post equipment/items/ads or publishing a Listing you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. These ‘Terms and Conditions’ help to ensure that everyone who uses our website/platform agrees to do so in strict adherence to conditions for the safety, security, business success of all participants.
Your Content
You may post or publish a Listing on the Website relating to your business and the equipment you offer a Customer on any of the three main categories:
  1. Sale
  2. Rent
  3. Lease
You may remove any Listings or posted ads from the Website at any time, without any charge. Your Listing must not display or link to any third-party advertising or Third Party Site. You must provide the content for your Listing in the manner and format that we specify to ensure we are able to properly display your Listing on the Website. You agree not to include fraudulent or misleading information, obscene content or harmful or unlawful statements against other parties within any form of written or visual information you may include in your Listing, photograph/logos or business details listed on our Website. You agree to only upload or post written content, photos and logos relevant to your business. You must not upload or post copyrighted information without prior expressed permission by the copyright owner. You agree that we will not be held liable regarding any written material and or logo/photograph copyright that you upload to your Listing or our Website. You are responsible for keeping backups of all of your content and you acknowledge that it is not our responsibility to provide a backup for your content.
Our Obligations
We have the right to disapprove or cancel any application that we deem unsatisfactory in terms of the criteria, standard and quality of service for our users. We monitor and check each Listing on the Website to ensure it is a genuine business listing and reserve the right to remove any Listings which we deem, in our absolute discretion, to be offensive, illegal or fraudulent Listings or businesses. We will edit any business/ equipment description, service summary and equipment title to ensure no errors, discriminating or offensive material is promoted. We also will add wording if we deem appropriate to ensure all listings are maintaining a professional standard and for users to understand what is being offered. We do not guarantee a particular or consistent position or ranking for your Listing. In certain circumstances we may ask you for further information for approving your application, if you fail to respond in the time frame, we give you, your application will be terminated. We reserve the right to remove your business and all its related ads and content from elanbusinessconnect platform without warning should your business be deemed offensive or illegal or unfit for our website.
Limitation of Liability
To the maximum extent permitted by law our liability for a breach of our promises is limited at our option, to either resupplying the Listing on the Website, free of charge, or paying you the cost of having the Listing resupplied. We use due care and skill in administering the Website, but neither us or our Related Companies promise or guarantee that your Listing published on the Website at any particular time will be free from errors or omissions. We also cannot guarantee that the Listing will be available continuously or on an uninterrupted basis. We and our Related Companies will not be liable for any loss, damage, claim or demand incurred or made by any person arising out of or in connection with a Listing. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions is intended to exclude, restrict or modify any rights you may have under applicable Law.
Intellectual Property
You grant us and our Related Companies a perpetual royalty free license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, and communicate to the public and sub-license the content that you give us or in your posting or Listings, for the purpose of maintaining our Website. You acknowledge that we own all intellectual property rights in and to the Website and its content (other than content that you own) and any other content, data, reports and other materials produced under these Terms and Conditions or in connection with the Website. If we give any of these to you, we give you a license to use it for internal business purposes only and you must not use, reproduce or do anything else with it, without our prior express written consent.
Your guarantee and Services
You guarantee and promise to us and our Related Companies: –
  • You will lawfully provide the Equipment to Customers as represented and advertised in your Posting or Listings and do so in a professional manner.
  • You own the equipment and you hold all appropriate licenses and qualifications to offer the equipment for rental.
  • You own all of the intellectual property rights in any content in your Posting or Listing, or you have obtained the consent from the owner of that intellectual property.
  • Nothing in your Posting or Listing contravenes any laws or infringes any rights of third parties or is inappropriate, defamatory, obscene or otherwise unsuitable, misleading or deceptive or promotes violence or criminal activity.
  • The content in your Listing is free from worms, viruses or other disabling devices.
You agree to indemnify us and our Related Companies against all claims, damages, costs, penalties, and liabilities of any nature caused directly or indirectly by your breach of the above guarantees and promises but not to the extent that our loss is caused by our wrongful act or breach of these Terms and Conditions.
Ratings and Reviews
Customer generated contents such as reviews and ratings will be included on the Website relating to your Equipment. Most reviews will first be reviewed by us before being published and any offensive, discriminatory or illegal reviews will not be published on the Website. You acknowledge that we will manage ratings and reviews on the Website however neither we nor our Related Companies are responsible for, or under no obligation to remove reviews on your Posting or Listing. You have the right to complain to us regarding any Customer reviews and we will investigate that review to ensure it is legitimate and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.  
Paid Advertising Opportunities
We offer paid (token fee) advertising opportunities, including but not limited to: Top ranking post/listings (i.e making your ads display at the tops of others). Featured ranking post/listings (making your ads appear in featured area for ease being seen). Bump ranking post/listings (making your ads bump up a little in any group where it is currently displayed. From time to time we may include or provide other advertising options on the platform and we may offer you more opportunity to advertise your business/equipment. You may be required to login to the membership area to access our current advertising price structure, which is charged on a monthly or annual basis. Advanced payment type of ads for specific attention areas, with discounts is also available on request and applicable for 3, 6- or 12-month commitments.
Payment GATEWAY:
  • We accept payment by Card, Direct deposit or as otherwise specified from time to time. However, our preferred payment method is via PAYSTACK Gateway which handles all kinds of varied transaction types. Paystack (paystack/privacy) as a secure gateway also takes the responsibility of safety, reliability and security of every transaction. In partnering with Paystack, we do not take or keep any of your card details on elanbussinessconnect server except for name and transaction ID which is used to resolve claims with Paystack on a given transaction.
You may remove any of your Posting or Listings from the elanbusinessconnect at any time, without a fee being charged. We may remove your Listings from the platform if:-
  • You receive negative reviews from Customers that are found to be true
  • If a regulatory body or law enforcement agency directs us to do so.
  • We make changes to our criteria that we feel your listing does not meet these new requirements.
  • Any offensive public displays or comments made (all medias, including social media) by you or your business that is deemed inappropriate by us.
  • You do not meet your advertisement invoice payment obligations by the due date.
Updated 13 April, 2021


What they Say About Us

Great web-warehouse for online rentals, leasing and marketing. Highly recommended for any individuals, companies and marketplace!

Ikenna Okafor

Ikenna Okafor

MD/CEO, Keves Global Leasing Ltd

Excellent web-warehouse for lease practitioners, buyers and sellers alike. ELAN has given us the much awaited platform!

Dr. Godwin Ehigiamusoe

Dr. Godwin Ehigiamusoe

Chairman, Lapo Microfinance Bank Limited
Dr Olutoyin-Okeowo, Chairman ELAN

Dr Olutoyin-okeowo

Chairman, ELAN

Excellent web-warehouse for lease practitioners, buyers and sellers alike. Highly recommended!